bom, primeiro minha server.cfg e uma print dos meus plugins
hostname "Made For Kill - [m4k] 4x4 Realism Versus"
sv_lan "0"
// Internet= 0 LAN= 1
sv_region "2"
// 0=US East coast, 1=US West coast, 2= South America, 3=Europe, 4=Asia, 5=Australia, 6=Middle East, 7=Africa and 255=world.
motd_enabled "1"
// Toggles whether or not to show the MOTD to clients when they connect.
//sv_steamgroup "O8oO"
//--> Rcon password - Sets the password for remote rcon admin
rcon_password "(editei uahuahua)"
//--> Gametypes sets the gametypes you want your server to run
//----> Versus Only: sv_gametypes "versus"
//----> Survival Only: sv_gametypes "survival"
//----> Coop Only: sv_gametypes "coop"
//----> Both: sv_gametypes "versus,coop"
sm_cvar sv_gametypes "mutation12"
//--> mp_gamemode sets the gametypes that your server is allowed to run, IE Voting
//----> Versus Only: mp_gamemode "versus"
//----> Survival Only: mp_gamemode "survival"
//----> Coop Only: mp_gamemode "coop"
//----> Both: mp_gamemode "versus,coop"
sm_cvar mp_gamemode "mutation12"
sv_forcepreload "1" // 0 - Default. Force server side preloading.
sv_downloadurl ""
////////////// *Connection Options* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\
sv_maxrate "9600" // Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_minrate "0" // 5000 - Default. Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_mincmdrate "0" // This sets the minimum value for cl_cmdrate. 0 == unlimited.
sv_maxcmdrate "37.5" // 40 - Default. (If sv_mincmdrate is > 0), this sets the maximum value for client
rate 10000 //default 10000; Max bytes/sec the host can recieve data
//////////////// *Game Settings* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only "0"
// If set, players may only join this server from matchmaking lobby, may not connect directly
sv_allow_wait_command "1"
// Allow or disallow the wait command on clients connected to this server.
sv_reservation_timeout "180"
// Default - 45. Time in seconds before lobby reservation expires.
z_difficulty "medium"
// This is the difficulty setting (easy, medium, hard or impossible)
mp_disable_autokick "1"
// Prevents a userid from being auto-kicked
sm_cvar l4d_maxplayers 12
sv_cheats "0"
// Cheats (Enable= 1 / Disable= 0)
sv_voiceenable "1"
// Enable microphone (Enable= 1 Disable= 0)
sv_pausable "0"
// Client ability to pause the server (Enable= 1 Disable=0)
sv_consistency "1"
// Force clients to pass consistencycheck for critical files (Enable= 1 Disable= 0)
sv_alltalk "0"
// Players can hear all other players' voice communication, no team restrictions
//////////// *Logging and Misc* \\\\\\\\\\\\
log on // Creates a logfile (Enable= on Disable= off)
sv_logsdir "logs"
sv_log_onefile "0"
// Log server information to only one file.
sv_logbans "1"
// Log server bans in the server logs.
sv_logecho "0"
// Echo log information to the console.
sv_logfile "0"
// Log server information in the log file.
sv_logflush "0"
// Flush the log file to disk on each write (slow).
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
//--> Custom Modifications for a competitive hike
sm_cvar director_adrenaline_density 6.48
//--> How much Adrenaline should there be for every
//--> 100 sq ft in each level.
//sm_cvar director_convert_pills 0
//--> Convert all pills to medpacks in non-versus games.
//--> "1" to Enable, "0" to Disable. Default: "0".
//--> server error? If set to 0, disabled medpacks & pills.
sm_cvar director_defibrillator_density 6.48
//--> Reference director_adrenaline_density.
sm_cvar director_pain_pill_density 6.48
//--> Reference director_adrenaline_density.
sm_cvar director_super_weapon_density 6.48
//--> How much super weapons (Grenade Launcher, etc.)
//--> should there be for every 100 sq ft in each level.
//sm_cvar director_tank_force_offer 0
//--> Force the director to spawn a tank on each level.
//--> Remember, the director can only force a tank spawn
//--> On levels that have "possible" spawn locations already.
//--> There are some levels that do not have tank spawn
//--> Locations, and as a result, this does not work on all levels.
sm_cvar director_upgradepack_density 6.48
//--> Reference director_adrenaline_density.
//--> Upgradepack refers to fire rounds, etc.
sm_cvar director_ammo_density 6.48
sm_cvar director_melee_weapon_density 6.48
sm_cvar director_vomitjar_density 6.48
//--> Reference director_adrenaline_density.
///sm_cvar versus_tank_chance 1.0
//--> Percentile chance of tank spawn per team.
//--> Refers to levels excluding first and last per campaign.
//--> "1.0" = 100%, "0.95" = 95%, "0.9" = 90%, etc.
///sm_cvar versus_tank_chance_finale 1.0
//--> Percentile chance of tank spawn per team.
//--> Refers to finale level in each campaign.
//--> "1.0" = 100%, "0.95" = 95%, "0.9" = 90%, etc.
///sm_cvar versus_tank_chance_intro 0.5
//--> Percentile chance of tank spawn per team.
//--> Refers to only first level of the campaign.
//--> "1.0" = 100%, "0.95" = 95%, "0.9" = 90%, etc.
///sm_cvar versus_tank_flow_team_variation 0.0
//--> Refers to the variable chance of tank spawning
//--> in a different spot for each team.
//--> "0.0" = same spawn spot per team.
//--> "5.0" = 5% map distance variation CHANCE.
sm_cvar versus_witch_chance 1.0
//--> See versus_tank_chance Above.
sm_cvar versus_witch_chance_finale 1.0
//--> See versus_tank_chance_finale Above.
sm_cvar versus_witch_chance_intro 0.5
//--> See versus_tank_chance_intro Above.
//sm_cvar versus_witch_flow_team_variation 0.1
//--> See versus_tank_flow_team_variation Above.
//sm_cvar tank_stuck_time_suicide 9999999999
//--> Prevents tank suicide when stuck.
sm_cvar versus_boss_flow_max_intro 0.9
//--> Tank can spawn up to 90% of map distance in first level.
sm_cvar versus_boss_flow_max 0.9
//--> Tank can spawn up to 90% of map distance in levels
//--> Excluding the first level.
//sm_cvar vs_max_team_switches 9999
//--> Removes the limit of team switches per map.
sm_cvar director_vs_convert_pills 1
//--> Convert all pills to medpacks in versus games.
//--> "1" to Enable, "0" to Disable. Default: "0".
sm_cvar director_tank_lottery_selection_time "4"
//--> How many seconds the tank waits to give an infected
//--> Player control of the Tank. During this interval
//--> The AI controls the Tank.
//--> Default "4". Set to "0" to remove AI control completely.
sm_cvar z_ghost_delay_max 25
sm_cvar z_ghost_delay_min 20
//--> Maximum/Minimum amount of time (in seconds) for players to
//--> Wait to respawn as the Infected.
//--> Ex: Min/Max both = "22", Infected will ALWAYS have a 22
//--> second spawn timer. If Max = "22" and Min = "15", the
//--> Spawn timer will be random, between 15 and 22 seconds.
//--> Tougher Witch
sm_cvar z_witch_damage "100"
sm_cvar z_witch_damage_per_kill_hit "40"
sm_cvar z_witch_flashlight_range "800"
sm_cvar z_witch_health "2000"
sm_cvar z_witch_personal_space "300"
sm_cvar z_witch_speed "500"
sm_cvar z_witch_threat_hostile_range "800"
sm_cvar z_witch_threat_normal_range "600"
//--> There are some items such as medpacks & Defibrillators
//--> that are "static" items in each level. Restricting their
//--> Density to "0.0" will remove all non-static items of its
//--> Kind. There is an plugin that will fix this, but removes
//--> All medpacks including starting medpacks, among other
//--> Things.
//--> This plugin is Confogl. Check it out at
//--> Admin Cheats SM Extension Commands
//--> Description:
//--> Download at> Allows Admins (or console) to use cheat commands
//--> with sv_cheats 0.
//sm_cvar sm_admin_cheats_level "z"
//--> Remove // to enable.
//--> z refers to flag. ex: "z", "b", etc.
// Execute ban files
///////////// *EXEC* \\\\\\\\\\\
exec banned_ip
exec banned_user
(as coisas com // eu tenho consciencia que estão desabilitadas, foi por vontade própria haha)
e uma print dos plugins que uso:
rank funcional, armas de css funcionais, advertisements funcionais, infectedbots funcionais, force mission changer funcionais...
agora sobre os problemas: no ultimo mapa das missoes aqueles medkits extras que constumam aparecer no fim sumiram..
quando o ultimo player sai do server ele se reseta pra primeira missao e hiberna ate que alguem entre.. isso eh o que eu queria, porém, se uma pessoa entra e sai, a proxima que entrar vai encontrar a mesa das armas da safe sem nada, ele vai ter armas e medkit, mas nao vai ter nada na mesa da safe... ( e desconfio que no resto do mapa nada tambem) =x
não sei se isso é normal, mas adoraria segundas opnioes, obrigado
obs: minha versao do sourcemod eh a 1.3.6 (versão estável mais recente do site) e meu metamod eh o 1.8.5